ລະບົບຄຸມຄອງສະຫຼຸບຮຽນ CITS

ການນຳສະເຫີີຍລະບົບຄຸມຄອງສະຫຼຸບຮຽນຂອງເຮົາ, ພະລາດຟອດຫຼາຍການອອກແບບສຳລັບການດຳລົງງານດ້ານບັນຫາດທົບທວນຂອງສະຫຼຸບຮຽນ. ມີຈຸດຫວັງທີ່ມຸ່ງເຫົາກົດງານງາມແລະການຮັບຜົນກວງງານ.

Our School Management System stands as a robust solution, combining essential features with a user-friendly interface, empowering educational institutions to effectively manage their operations. Streamline administrative tasks, enhance communication, and embrace efficiency with our comprehensive system.

Core Features:

Default Modules:

  • Student Management
  • Academics Management
  • Teacher Management
  • Session Year Management

Manage Schools:

  • Super Admin creates and manages schools and school admins.
  • School admin access via email and default password (phone number).
  • Deactivate schools to restrict student profile access.

Manage :

  • View, edit, and update package ranks for optimal visibility.
  • Package features include Student Management, Academics Management, Teacher Management, and Session Year Management by default.

Manage Add-ons:

  • Create, edit, and delete add-ons for additional features.
  • Changes in add-on prices take effect in the school's next billing cycle.

Staff Management:

  • Create roles and manage staff members.
  • Assign permissions to roles for module management.
  • Create and assign staff members with roles, basic information, and assigned schools.
  • Support staff can be assigned to multiple schools.


  • Super Admin can create FAQs for the advertisement page.

System Settings:

  • App settings for managing iOS and Android app links.
  • Set app versions with a specified pattern for proper reflection in the application.
  • Configure app-related details like force update and app maintenance status.

Key Benefits:

Customizable Packages:

  • Tailor packages to meet specific institution requirements.

User-Friendly Staff Management:

  • Easily create, edit, and delete staff members with assigned roles and schools.

System Flexibility:

  • Modular structure allows for easy customization and scalability.